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The Jamestown Pedalist


Saturday 17/18th November

London Illuminations Ride | Video


Riders: Pete, Sam & Yours Truly
Time: 2.17.05
Average Speed: 8.8 mph
Odometer reading: 20.38 miles


Saturday 10th November

Autumn Wheels & Wandering | Sustrans
Buckingham Palace to Richmond Park


Volunteer Development Officer, Active Travel Champions

Riders: Pete, Sam & Yours Truly

Odometer reading: 32.85 miles

Sunday 4th November

Mile End Park | GPX File | Video | Video2 | Ecology Park

I left home before 9 AM so I made good time along the towpath as it wasn't busy.

Mile End Park is called a linear park and now I know why! You have to go there to appreciate just how narrow it is.

The park has some interesting features. There's an ecology park which is home to several species of insects, water birds and rare orchids.

If you're the adventurous type there's a Climbing Wall and even electric (green) Go Karts!

I went looking for 'House', a work by artist Rachel Whiteread. The sculpture was a concrete cast of the inside of 193 Grove Road. It was demolished by Tower Hamlets in 1994! LOL...

I didn't get to enjoy the park because of a biting, gusty southerly wind, but I'll definitely go back.

Rode back to Victoria Park and completed the modified loop.

Odometer reading: 18.36 miles


MHR: 000
Average Speed: 00.0 mph
Odometer reading: 00.00 miles


The Novice Cyclist

I've recently taken up cycling as a healthier option to my long time hobbies of smoking, drinking and general laying about and I must admit it has been quite a revelation. For a middle aged man who has spent his lifetime with the devout belief that he is allergic to all forms of exercise I find myself thoroughly enjoying this indulgent pastime.

:-) You'll have to go to Chris' blog to read the rest of his amusing introduction.. The CoolBlue Journal

Copenhagenize & Chic


Help! My Chain Came Off... Jemma

Lucas Brunelle - NYC Alley Cats

Jools Walker - a.k.a Lady Vélo



Cycling Links:    
Directgov : Cyclists Journey Planner Barclays Cycle Hire / How it works
Rules for cyclists (59-82) TFL Cycling - HOME Barclays Cycle Hire - Costs
Cycling for Fun Cycle Journey Planner Barclays Cycle Hire - Sign In
London Cycling Campaign Cycle Journey Planner Halfords
Route Planner Cycle Streets Route Planner Evans Cycles
Parkland Walk North London Central London CTC - Cyclists Touring Club Tips

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Last Updated - 19:11:2012